Sunday, May 6, 2012


When I look up at the sky or across the canyon, I seldom give it a second thought. But when I do consider the beauty of the world, it is just that. When someone says something about god blessing us with this glorious day I can't help but think about the 14 billion years that our universe has been in existence, about the four billion years our solar system has been around, about the billions of years of creation and destruction that made everything come together so well that I can look up at a clear blue sky or across at a green caynon teeming with life. I am reminded that the atoms in my body come from the relentless process of stars being formed and eventually dying in violent ways, spewing their cosmic fertilizer across the cosmos. When I look out at the grandure of our world, I don't see the work of mystical beings; I see the amazing mysteries waiting to be unlocked. There, in that act of learning about our world for what it really is, we learn more about beauty than any form of mysticism can ever produce.

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