Sunday, September 30, 2012


You will experience the most wondrous victories and the most crushing defeats as a parent. Sometimes you will have them in the same day, or even in the same hour. Still, nothing fills the heart with pure love as when a child climbs into your lap, snuggles into your body, and says, "I love you." nothing compares to that; it is in a special category that few things can compare to.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Tweaker in the Morning

At 8:45 on the corner of 2nd Ave and H St she snarls through liquor store sunglasses out the window of her tri-colored Corolla, the trunk dancing up and down, held together with what is probably string or rope left over from some late night project. The sun beams, exposing the craters on her oily face as she exhales smoke with an urgency to get absolutely nowhere, but to get there as soon as possible. Like always, she is on a mission.

Friday, September 28, 2012


We become so accustomed to the circling helicopters that we blend them into the nighttime rhythm like singing crickets on a hot summer evening, but swat at bees during the day who wish nothing more than to pollinate the flowers we forgot to see so long ago.


It can be difficult, you know, when it appears that the world is made up of nothing more than different shades of earth tone cubes that accentuate themselves by nothing more than showing whose cube is larger. It becomes ridiculous to the point that any splash of green or blue is nothing more than the echo of a school yard joke told decades ago by friend long lost just as life was becoming difficult.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Superstitious Dreamers

I find it absolutely ridiculous when someone says they had a dream about something they wanted to dream about and something happens in that dream that confirms what they already wanted; and then they say it was a sign! Or it made my faith grow stronger. No it wasn't. You got experienced exactly what you wanted to experience. It was all in your head, so don't be surprised that your brain told you what you wanted to hear.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Dumb Asses

If we have to wait around for all of those who are willingly ignorant to finally learn some basic scientific principles, then our civilization may very well be doomed. Or, just because you refuse to learn some real information, that doesn't give you the right to misinform our citizenry.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Make these thoughts go away

I really don't want these thoughts of suicide. I really do want to live to be an old man. To see my children grow up and grow happy. I want to live life to the fullest, but when these thoughts creep in and won't leave regardless of what I do or how I think, it becomes a bit overwhelming sometimes. It becomes tiring.