Tuesday, March 27, 2012

21st Century Enlightenment

There is a real need to invigorate a 21st century Enlightenment because, I fear, that we are slipping closer and closer toward a new Dark Ages. The persistence of anti-intellectualism, the increasing prevalence of blind faith, and the overall lack of curiosity to understand the complexities of the modern world are astounding. When there are people dedicated to exploring the human condition through literature, we begin to replace the canon with non-fiction texts in our schools. We are given almost no exposure to philosophy beyond a few select pieces of Plato. Science is challenged at every corner by zealots clinging to their ignorance. History is restricted to a superficial monolithic account that intentionally ignores the stories of millions. And those who challenge these notions are not celebrated; instead they are ridiculed and called elitist as if being knowledgeable about the world is a curse. Sure, it is expected that there should be some fertilizer when cultivating the intellect, but those searching for deeper knowledge should not be expected to nearly drown in the effluence of intentional ignorance while on their journey.

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